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The three layers of cloud computing

The three layers of cloud computing

Rahul Rana3738 26-Nov-2019

The cloud computing layer consists of various layer elements, starting with the most important physical layer of storage and working through the network layer and the application and server infrastructure.
The cloud can be further subdivided into different implementation models based on whether it is created internally, outsourced or a combination of both.

The three cloud layers are:

Infrastructure cloud: Storage to server and server to abstract application
Content cloud: Abstracts data from applications together
Information cloud: Abstracts customers' access to data

The three cloud implementation models are:

The "As a Service" model provides services, not products; flexibility, not rigidity; and costs that match business results.
Private cloud: created and managed internally by an organization or purchased and stored within the organization and run by a third party
Hybrid cloud: outsources some, but not all elements, internally or externally
Public cloud: no physical infrastructure locally, all access to applications and data is external.

Read also: Cloud vs Data Center: What is the difference?

Infrastructure Cloud: An infrastructure cloud comprises the physical components that execute applications and store data. Virtual servers are built to run applications, and virtual storage pools are built into dynamic levels of storage to store new and existing data based on performance and reliability requirements. Virtual abstraction is used so that servers and storage can be managed as logical instead of individual physical entities.

Content cloud: The content cloud implements metadata and indexing services through the infrastructure cloud to provide abstract data management for all content. The purpose of a content cloud is to abstract the data of the applications so that different applications can be used to access the same data, and applications can be changed without having to worry about the data structure or type. The content cloud transforms data into objects so that the interface with the data is no longer linked to the actual access to the data, and the application that created the content in the first place may long have disappeared while the data itself is still available and is searchable.

Information cloud: The information cloud is the most common from a public perspective and the ultimate goal of cloud computing. The information cloud abstracts the customer from the data. For example, a user can access data stored in a database in Delhi via a mobile phone in Chandigarh, or watch a video located on a server in Mumbai from a laptop in the US. The information cloud summarizes everything. The internet is an information cloud.

If you want to know more about cloud computing, then Cloud computing training in Chandigarh is best for you.

hi my name is Rahul Rana from Amritsar. basically my hometown is Uttarakhand (kotdwara). recently i worked at Cbitss technologies. Cbitss Technologies is a training institute in Chandigarh. i have a 1 years experience of SEO executive.

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